Adding PO Line Details with Line Workbench

If your invoice matches a PO in your Workday instance, use the Line Workbench to easily add and remove line details during invoice processing.

Add Lines

To add invoice lines using the Line Workbench:

  1. Make sure you have a valid PO entered into the PO Number header field.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and select Line Workbench.

  3. In the Available Lines from the Purchase Order section, select the plus.png icon to add them to the invoice. This will move them to the Invoice Lines section.

  4. Click and drag the invoice lines to reorder them.

  5. Select Update Lines to save your changes.

  6. Fill in any missing information for each line item, and process the invoice as normal.

Line items that have an information icon contain information that is different than the PO in Workday.

Remove Lines

You can also remove any lines from the invoice using the Line Workbench. 

  1. Open the Line Workbench.

  2. In the Invoice Lines, click the minus.png icon to remove them from the invoice. This moves them back to the Available Lines section.

  3. Select Update Lines to save your changes.

You can add or remove all lines at once by selecting Add All Lines or Delete All Lines.

Line Order

Your PO lines show in the order that you add them to Line Workbench. Click and drag lines to reorder them. 

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