Below are details about each field on Ascend AP's document entry page, including its meaning, intended use, options, and important notes. Some fields have special configuration options. To customize these fields, submit a request.
Document header fields
Accounting Override Date - Booking date, if different than the default booking date in Workday
- Must be a valid date
- Used when an expense needs to be booked to the correct month in the accounting journal for reporting purposes
- This field must be enabled by the header Company in Workday, otherwise an error message shows when the user attempts to submit the invoice.
Adjustment Reason - The reason for a credit or debit adjustment
- Required field for credits and debits
- Displays adjustment reasons from Workday
Approver - Employee who needs to approve this invoice in Workday
- Displays Employees that have a verified legal name in Workday
- Configuration option: make required
Company - Business entity responsible for payment
- Required field
- Displays all active companies from Workday
- If a PO Number or Supplier Contract is entered, the Company field reflects the company associated with the PO or Supplier Contract in Workday and can't be edited.
- Configuration option: specify a default company
Control Amount - Total invoice amount as shown on the invoice image
- Ascend AP compares this amount to the Invoice Total to determine if an invoice is in balance
- Required field
- Can be extracted
Currency - US dollar (USD), British pound (GBP), Australian dollar (AUD), Canadian dollar (CAD), etc.
- Displays supplier's or company's default currency from Workday as a placeholder, or validates based on PO number; not sent to Workday
- Enter a different currency to override the default and send to Workday
- Configuration option: make required
Due Date - Payment due date, calculated based on the Invoice Date and supplier's default payment terms set in Workday
- Placeholder value displayed in gray; not sent to Workday
- Enter a different date to override the placeholder value and send to Workday
- Configuration option: make required
Freight Amount - Total shipping, handling, and delivery costs
- Can be extracted
Frequency - how often installments are generated, such as quarterly or monthly
- The Frequency field only shows on the document entry page if:
- At least one invoice line is set to Prepaid
- The prepaid type is set to "Schedule"
- Required if you enter a value for Installments
Handling Code - Method of invoice delivery; used for special handling when invoices are settled
- Displays all active Handling Codes from Workday
- Configuration option: make required
Installments - the number of payments in an amortization schedule
- The Installments field only shows on the document entry page if:
- At least one invoice line is set to Prepaid
- The prepaid type is set to "Schedule"
- Required if you enter a value for Frequency
Invoice Date - Issue date of the invoice
- Required field
- Can be extracted
- The date format displayed is based on your browser's regional settings
Invoice ID - Supplier's invoice number
- Required field
- Can be extracted
- Configuration option: ignore special characters, spacing, or leading zeros
Invoice Total - Calculated invoice total based on the sum of the Invoice Lines, Freight Amount, Tax Amount, and Other fields
- Ascend AP compares this amount to the Control Total to determine if an invoice is in balance
- Not sent to Workday
- The way Ascend AP handles invoices that are out of balance depends on your organization's specific configuration and business processes. As a configuration option, you can still submit an out-of-balance invoice to Workday, where it will appear in Draft status.
Memo - General note about what the invoice is for
- Corresponds to the Memo line in Workday
- Open text, limit 100 characters
- Configuration option: make required
Other Amount - Total of any other miscellaneous charges included on an invoice
- Configuration option: make required
Payment Terms - Time frame in which the supplier requires payment
- Automatically populates supplier's default Payment Terms from Workday, if applicable
- With no value entered, the field is displayed in gray and not sent to Workday
- Enter different Payment Terms to override the default value and send to Workday
- Configuration option: make required
Payment Type - Payment method, such as check, debit, or cash
Automatically populates supplier's default Payment Type from Workday, if applicable
With no value entered, the field is displayed in gray and not sent to Workday
Enter a different Payment Type to override the default value and send to Workday
- Configuration option: make required
PO Number - Purchase Order number
- Displays Purchase Orders from Workday that
- Can be extracted
- Configuration option: make required
Prepaid Date - the date an amortization starts
- The Prepaid Date field only shows on the document entry page if:
- At least one line is set to Prepaid
- The Prepaid Type is set to "Manual"
Prepaid Type - is used to set the amortization type of prepaid lines.
- For Supplier invoices, there are only two options for Prepaid Type in Workday: Scheduled and Manual.
- While the options Manual and Receipt are in the dropdown menu for this field, currently Ascend AP only supports the Scheduled prepaid type.
Reference Invoice - Original supplier invoice ID that is being revised by a credit or debit
- Displays invoices that have been previously processed in Ascend AP
- Must have an "approved" or "entered" status in Workday
Remit To - Supplier address; where to send the payment
- Displays only Remit-To Connections and Business (Primary) addresses from Workday. Learn more.
- Supplier must be specified before you can search or select a Remit To address
- By default, Ascend AP uses the supplier's primary Remit To address from Workday, which is displayed below the Remit To field for your reference
- Leave this field blank unless you need to override the default
Requester - the employee making the supplier invoice request
- Required field for supplier invoice requests
- Displays Employees that have a verified legal name in Workday
Ship To - Delivery destination for goods or services
- Displays company's default Ship To address from Workday unless otherwise specified by the PO
- Can search company addresses and locations, as well as worker addresses
- To search for an address in Ascend AP's Ship To field, first add the address to Workday and select Shipping as one of the options in the Usage field
Supplier - Business entity requesting and receiving payment
- Required field
- Displays all active and approved suppliers from Workday
- If a PO Number or Supplier Contract is entered, the Supplier field reflects the supplier associated with the PO or Supplier Contract in Workday and can't be edited.
Supplier Contract Number - Supplier contract number/ID from Workday
- Displays Supplier Contracts from Workday that match the Company and Supplier fields
- Can be extracted
- There must be funds remaining in the contract budget in Workday to associate with an invoice. If not, this causes an error when you try to submit the invoice to Workday.
- When you search for the contract, Ascend AP displays the full original budget on that contract, not the remaining budget.
- The Invoice Date must be within the start and end dates of the contract. Start and end dates can only be changed in Workday.
- Configuration option: make required
Tax Amount - Total tax reflected on the invoice
- Only displays when Tax Option is set to Enter Tax Due to Supplier
- Can be extracted
- Use the Update Tax button to adjust taxes manually
- Configuration option: make required
Tax Code - Primary tax code of the invoice
- For non-PO invoices, value is pulled from the supplier's default tax code in Workday
- Is not used to calculate total tax amount
- Helper field that allows you to apply the specified tax code to each new line you create on an invoice
- Editing does not affect lines that have already been created
Tax Option - Select from:
- Calculate Self-Assessed Tax - Company pays tax rather than supplier. Tax is not included in the Invoice Total, and the tax burden is placed somewhere other than on this invoice.
- Calculate Tax Due to Supplier - Automatically calculate tax due based on the following. Each of these fields must be filled in before the system can calculate tax due:
- Tax Applicability (must be a "taxable" type)
- Tax Code
- Extended Amount(s)
- Enter Tax Due to Supplier - Enter the Tax Amount reflected on the invoice, if not already extracted
If a PO Number is extracted, this field is automatically set to the same Tax Option as the PO. You can configure this option to specify a default Tax Option or make it required.
Viewing and Editing Tax Rates
Click the Tax button to view or edit each tax rate amount by tax code for transaction tax and withholding tax. Transaction tax rates only display if you select either “Calculate Self-Assessed Tax” or “Calculate Tax Due to Supplier” as the Tax Option.
Your edits save automatically. The Update Tax button calculates default tax rate amounts.
Document line fields
Additional Worktags - Keywords assigned to business events to aggregate, report, and analyze business information in Workday
- Commonly used worktags (Spend Category, Cost Center, etc.) are shown as separate fields.
- Use this field to add more worktags to an invoice line, including any customer worktags you have created in Workday.
- These display at the bottom of the line when added.
Billable - Toggle for Billable/Not Billable
Business Document - PO line, Supplier Contract line, or Invoice lines related to Credits
- Can be extracted
- If a PO Number is specified at the header level, this field displays all open and un-invoiced lines from that PO. Otherwise, this field displays all PO and Supplier Contract lines associated with the supplier.
Cost Center - Department/business to which costs may be charged for accounting purposes
- Display all active Cost Centers from Workday
- Configuration option: make required
Extended Amount - Calculated line total based on Quantity x Unit Cost
- Can also be entered manually if Quantity or Unit Cost is blank
- Required field when an Invoice Line is created
- For PO invoices, this field is automatically set to the value specified in the PO
Item - Sales Item(s), if configured in Workday
- Pre-populates based on PO Number field, if applicable
- Spend Category and/or Unit Price may be pre-populated based on the Item field, depending on how the Purchase Item is configured in Workday. The quantity defaults to 1, and the Unit Price in Ascend AP corresponds to the Item Price in Workday.
Item Description - Line-specific detail, such as service dates or other information about the specific good or service
- Pre-populates based on Item field, if applicable
- Can also be used as an open text field, independent of an Item
Memo - General note about an invoice line
- Open text, limit 100 characters
Prepaid - lets you select which invoice lines should be considered for prepayment.
- The dropdown for this field has both Prepaid and Not Prepaid. The default selection is Not Prepaid.
- If you select Prepaid from the dropdown menu, you must also choose the Prepaid Type in the header fields section before you can submit the document.
Quantity - Quantity of goods/number of units. Multiplied by Unit Cost to calculate Extended Amount.
- Required field when Spend Category is configured as a trackable asset type in Workday
- If you specify a Quantity, the Unit Cost field is required
Spend Category - Category of similar expenditure items or services
- Required field
- Displays active Spend Categories from Workday
- For PO invoices, pre-populates based on the Spend Category for the corresponding PO line
Supplier Item ID - the supplier item number listed on a PO invoice line
- This field is read-only
Tax Applicability - Condition under which tax type, tax component, or tax rate are applicable
- Displays all active Tax Applicability codes from Workday
- Prepopulates if you have Transaction Tax Rules set up in Workday based on Spend Category, Item, Company, Worktags, or Ship To values
Tax Code - Tax type (e.g., California sales tax)
- Displays all active Tax Codes from Workday
Tax Point Date - the date that you calculate taxes
Only required when you enter a Tax Code and select Goods/Services as your Tax Point Date Type
Workday automatically calculates a date for these Tax Point Date Types: Accounting Date, Delivery Date, Invoice/Adjustment Date, Invoice/Adjustment Received Date, or Payment Date, regardless of the date you enter
Tax Point Date Type - refers to the specific criteria or method you use to choose the Tax Point Date, the date you calculate taxes
Required when you select Tax Code
You can select Accounting Date, Goods/Service Delivery Date, Invoice/Adjustment Date, Invoice/Adjustment Received Date, or Payment Date
Goods/Services requires a Tax Point Date
Workday automatically adds a date for all selections except Goods/Services, even if you enter a date
Tax Recoverability - Condition under which taxes can be reclaimed or offset
- Displays all active Tax Recoverability codes from Workday
- Prepopulates the default recoverability value for Tax Applicability
- If you have Transaction Tax Rules set up in Workday (based on Spend Category, Item, Company, Worktags, or Ship To values), the rules may change this value
Unit Cost - Cost of each unit
- Required field when Quantity is specified
- For PO invoices, this field is automatically set to the value specified in the PO
Withholding Tax Code - determines the amount withheld from payment for the purpose of paying owed taxes
- Displays all active Withholding Tax Codes from Workday.
- Click the Tax button to view details of each withholding tax.
- Each Tax Rate corresponds to the Withholding Tax code entered on each invoice line.
To view the transaction tax rates, you must select either “Calculate Self-Assessed Tax” or “Calculate Tax Due to Supplier" in the Tax Option field.
You can edit any tax rate amounts and your changes save automatically. The Update Tax button calculates default tax rate amounts.
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