Follow these steps if you forget your username or need to reset your password.
Forgot Username
Your username is always your company email address. For security reasons, personal email addresses aren’t accepted.
To update your email, reach out to your account administrator so they can notify our team. If you’re an account admin and need to update your own account email address, contact Ascend Support.
Reset Password
If your organization uses Single Sign On (SSO), you must reach out to your provider to reset your SSO password. If you don't use SSO, you can reset your password at any time. To change your password:
1. Go to
2. Click Forgot Password?
3. Select Reset Password from the list.
4. Enter your company email address.
5. Click Reset via Email.
Reset Another User's Password
Anyone who has user admin permissions can send a password reset link to another user on their team. To send a password reset link:
- From the left sidebar, select Users > Manage Users.
- Find the user on your team whose password needs to be reset.
- Click the Reset Password icon .
- Select Yes, Reset Password.
The user will receive an email asking them to reset their password. Their password reset link expires in one hour.
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