Change Your Workday Tenant

Throughout your partnership with Ascend, you may occasionally want to change your Workday tenant. This may happen several times during onboarding or to test new Workday features and updates.

To temporarily swap your Workday tenant, submit a request and select Account Requests as the ticket type.


We need some information to update your tenant. Copy and paste this template into the request body and fill in the info:

  1. Are you moving to Production or Test environment?
  2. Endpoint Tenant (Ex: Customer name, or customername_preview)
  3. Endpoint Version Number (Ex: v32.0)
  4. Inbound UserID (Ex: ISU_Ascend_Inbound@endpointtenant)
  5. Inbound Password
  6. Outbound UserID (Ex: ISU_Ascend_Outbound@endpointtenant)
  7. Outbound Password
  8. Should we perform the change ASAP, or after a certain date?


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