Ascend Release Notes: April 2024

New fields: Prepaid Date, Frequency, and Installments 🧾

The document entry page has new fields related to prepayments. You can enter a Prepaid Date, Frequency, and Installments. To add a Prepaid Date, select the “Manual” Prepaid Type. Frequency and Installments must have the “Scheduled” Prepaid Type.

Flag invoices for payment practices reporting in Workday 🚩

If your organization must comply with the United Kingdom statutory reporting duty for payment practices and performance, you can flag relevant invoices as they come into Ascend AP and are entered into Workday. These flags can be applied to all invoices or a specific set of companies. Submit a support request to turn on this feature.

Expanded support for Transaction Tax defaults 💥

Ascend now supports Workday Transaction Tax defaults for rules that include Purchase Order Item Tax Groups. Learn more about how taxes are automatically applied.

Fixes and Improvements 🛠️ 

Intercompany Affiliate Worktags

Intercompany affiliate worktags were not syncing for some customers due to expired credentials. This mainly occurred in sandbox environments but impacted some production environments. Affected customers were contacted and the syncs now function as intended.

Duplicate lines created in PO Line Workbench

Duplicate lines were created if a user clicked Update Lines in the PO Line Workbench, then closed the workbench while the API call was in progress, reopened it, and updated the lines again. This has been fixed.



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